Mathuresh Das attended his first yoga class in 2008, a Bikram class with his friend Kyle. Before his initiation by HG Avadhoot Swami Maharaja, Matthew, he nearly threw up and had to leave the class—likely due to unhealthy habits.
These habits led Matthew into dark places, causing financial, emotional, and relational turmoil. Questioning the direction of his life, he sought help through an outpatient rehab facility that focused on holistic remedies, including acupuncture, diet, and yoga, as a means of addressing addiction.
Matthew became sober and committed himself to a vigorous yoga practice at a local studio in Austin, Texas. However, as his life improved and financial stability returned, his focus on spiritual practices faded, and he eventually found himself at rock bottom once more. In 2017, he decided to go on a 22-day fast and quit his job. During that time, he resumed his yoga practice and made the decision to become a yoga teacher. After receiving his yoga teacher certification, Matthew became deeply interested in the origins of yoga. This led him to a Hare Krishna temple, where he met a direct disciple of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. His journey with the Hare Krishnas took him to India and the UK.
While working full-time, Mathuresh used his resources to open a yoga studio and teach Manji Yoga—a series of asanas designed as a foundation for those seeking to enter deeper levels of yoga, like Bhakti.
Mathuresh is trained in Hatha Yoga and Bhakti Yoga and has extensively studied Vedic scriptures, including the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam and the Bhagavad Gītā. He is a founding member of the International Dhammunist Society and is recognized for his expertise in diet, longevity, and holistic healing.